so untok hari nie, xde top 9 lagi. haha :P i think we should give it a break right?
jadi kira-kira 2 minggu yg lepas. i decided to play some Wolfteam. *it's a game.
macam biase *double clicked
*enter username and password
*choose server
then somethings inappropriate showed up.

*disconnected from the server. "OMG why is this happening?!" itu lah yg aku ckp mase tuhh. agaknyer lah.then selama 2 minggu aku terseksa because lack of gaming! aku just try and benda yg same gakk keluar. and manusia akan fed up kan? itulah ape yg aku rase.
so semalam i give it another shot lah. then, miracle struck!

OMG dah boley main! hahaha Alhamdulillah ! and tak sangka i still got the skills! I'M BACK! haha dan ini jea laa yg aku dapat screenshot bwt mase skunk.
jadi kalau audience semua ade Wolfteam dan decided untok main biler2 jea laa. Watch out for xVsapa. what is xVsapa?
xVsapa niee nama aku dlam wolfteam laa. nama nie diilhamkan drpd nama bapa aku iaitu Encik Saparudin. haha Thanks to Shahrul and Haziq Muzafar sebab mencadangkan nama tuhh. LOL
so that's it for now. Bless your face. If you sneeze while playing Wolfteam bless you.*ouh dan kepada eleeza and sakinah. sorry but aku xley nak stop quote aq. haha maybe next time.
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