Friday, December 30, 2011

Randoms - Last 2011 Post!

Hello there fellow audience. It's nice to see you back. Yeah, I know. New Year is approaching. Lagi beberapa hari je nak masuk 2012. Haish, bumi ni dah makin tua dah. Harap-harap ada lagi lah tenaga nak go on. What am I talking about? Haha. 

First of all, aku nak cakap Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru or Baharu whatever to all of my audiences that have been with me since the start of this blog. You guys are the greatest. Well, probably not haha. No offence. Anyways, 2011 hampir dah nak melabuhkan tirainya and 2012 tengah rehearsal dekat back-stage tu haha. All I can say about 2011 is 2011 ni ialah tahun yang memang kick-off hidup aku lah. Disebabkan 2011 lah aku dah mula rajin. Aku dah mula betul betul buka dan menelaah buku. 2011 lah aku mula study berjam-jam. 2011 lah aku mula tinggalkan pc untuk buku. Which doesn't make any sense. And aku start serius in guitar pun pada 2011, because I don't know. I just picked up my brother's guitar and play some songs. Next thing I know, aku dah get into Grunge shit and stuff. Moving on! PMR. Selama ni aku tak pernah ada musuh yang macam dia ni. And, tahun 2011 dia declare war dengan aku and all of the 96's. I can't just give up without giving a fight. So, aku fight lah. And let me tell you, it's the worst war I've ever involved in. I've been in so many wars. But, not like this one. It's like a hell-hole. Now, aku hanya bersyukur lah dapat hidup selepas perang tu dah tamat. Tamat untuk batch 96's lah. Untuk yang masih muda, bersedia lah untuk PMR. Trust me. It will not be easy. Oh and tahun 2011 lah aku start tulis blog. Muda lagi blog aku ni. Masih virgin lagi. Haha what?  And macam-macam lah yang berlaku tahun 2011 ni. Naik moto pi sekolah, tengok wayang RM24 sorang, aku berhijrah dari Chelsea ke Liverpool*which I will never regret*,  terpijak taik hahaha. That's the best one I guess. ~.~ All I want to say is, 2011, I'm totally gonna miss you buddy. I know we just met last year, but aku dah anggap kau buddy aku. Haha what the hell. So long 2011. You've been a great year. I guess setiap tahun orang cakap macam tu. Right? Lol.

And, itu saja lah untuk harini untuk Tahun ni. I hope you audiences enjoyed reading this and my blog. Thanks for reading. I'll see you next year! 2012 Let's Go :D