Friday, September 23, 2011

Knock Knock!

-Knock knock!
-Who's there?
-It's me Pee.
-Pee who?
-Oh God.

Hello once again audiences. Good to see you again. It's been a long time, yeah I know. So guess what. Guess. No, no, guess. What's that? You don't want to guess? Okay. It's PMR incoming! ==" Best of luck for those who had the same feeling as I am to sit for this exam. By that I mean NOT READY! Haha. Insya allah, all of us will get what we had worked for. Well that's it for this time. *Ouhh, and happy freaking birthday to someone special. Yeah. It's you. ;p I know it's a little late for that. Lol what the hell? Bless your face. If you sneezed while sitting your PMR, bless you.