Wednesday, October 12, 2011

PMR. Au Revoir.

Hello once more again audience. Good to see you. :) Jadi PMR dah habiss. Adios PMR! I don't even know what adios means. It means goodbye right? Right Steven? Lol moving on! Jadi untuk yang dah habis PMR, we have done it guys! Or girls. Or both. :x Sekarang dah takde lagi ayat 'Ehh, stop main game, pi study. Dah dekat PMR.' Well guess what. Guess. No no please guess. It's over now. We are supposed to be happy and free right? But, I guess I'm gonna miss you PMR. The questions that normal students can't answer, the silence in the bilik peperiksaan. Lol mungkin time SPM nanti, benda sama jugak kita lalui. Right Steven? Aww Steven doesn't know what it feels to sit for PMR and SPM. Poor Steven. Lol. Okay that's it for now. Macam biase, hari jumaat new post! Bless your face. If you sneeze while reading this bless you.